Registrar High Court, HW Samuel Emokor (standing) at the enrollement
Speaking on behalf ofthe Chief Registrar, the Registrar High Court HW Samuel Emokor called upon toyoung lawyers strive towards building a good legacy by upholding honesty andintegrity during the pursuit of their career. This was during the advocates’ enrollmentceremony that took place on Thursday at the Judiciary headquarters.
"The legacy that youleave is important, guard your name. it is imperative that you build a legacythat not only propels you as an individual but also everyone associated with you,"he said. Adding young lawyers out to discover the path they intend to take soas to align their efforts early enough towards achieving their goals.
He equally cautionedthe newly enrolled advocated against nearsightedness but rather urged them to embracethe idea of working in upcountry regions given the diverse opportunities itpresents. "I want to encourage us to go upcountry, let us consider going backto the towns that we come from, the people are crying out and yearning forrepresentation all over the country. Do not be nearsighted," he said.
HW Emokor appealed tothe advocates to support the Judiciary's initiatives and efforts invented toensure quick disposal of cases. "I urge you to support the Judiciary throughembracing their innovations like ECCMIS and Alternative Dispute Resolutionssuch as small claims, Plea bargaining and Mediation. This will help you closemore cases and even earn you more," he said.
On his part, Mr. MosesOkwalinga Opolot, the Executive Director Uganda Law Society, called for thepromotion of the rule of law and observance of the rule of Sub Judice. Thisrestricts public discussion of matters pending in the courts. "You'll have somuch information and trust from a client, use this privilege knowing that youhave a duty to promote the rule of law. let's not be carried away by discussingcases, it’s a common practice that we should avoid," he said.
Mr. Okwalinga urgedlawyers to give back to society by offering more pro-bono work. "As a societywe have members that desperately need these services, let us show up for themand represent them in court, you can attain the highest level of excellencewhile maintaining a human heart," he added
Ms Peace Atocho whorepresented the Uganda Law Council emphasized the importance of Ethics andprofessionalism. "The law council is mandated to regulate the entire legalprofession and supervise legal education and training. Therefore, we will keepan eye on you through the different mechanisms like the Disciplinary committee.I’d like to meet you as a colleague and not as a prosecutor and yourrespondent," she remarked.
Adding, "To choose thelegal profession is to choose significance and leadership. As long as you areknown to be an advocate, you will be singled out as a leader. Remember,leadership is not a position, how you're going to carry yourself matters. Youwill realize that you’ve come this far not for yourself but for others."
Some of the goodpractices given to the lawyers included dressing decently, continuous educationto build capacity, faithfulness to the calling and availability to work.Advocates were also encouraged to venture into business, join mentorshipschemes provided by the Uganda Law Society to shape and guide their journey.
Posted 25th, March 2022